Sunday, April 1, 2007

Another Beautiful Sunday

We had another wonderful weekend spending time working on plants. On Saturday I put up a new windowbox. On Sunday we went out to Sloat Garden Center and picked up lots of new plants. We got enough to fill the new window box and even had a few left to add to one of the trees out front. Things are looking good. We also got a bunch of impatiens. Jennifer made a couple containers and placed them on our back porch. We are trying out some copper tape on these new containers to see if they will stop those darn slugs.

One down point... I walked by some young street type kid urinating all over one of the trees where we had just reseeded and planted some bulbs. Urban guerrilla gardening presents more challenges then you can imagine! I told him I did not appreciate it, he could give a damn about my opinion. Hopefully I have not "baited the Grumple". I want people to respect our beautiful city. I know this is a crazy dream and we are crazy dreamers. Hopefully the flowers we put encourage people to care just a little more about their surroundings. That is what we really want to do.